Being something of a lister recording what I've planted each season, when and how it crops, comes naturally. So far this is what's in the ground and growing away or nearly hardened off and ready for transplanting.
Charlotte, Cara, Sarpo Axona, Home Guard and Shetland Black (in pots). Planted end of March and showing through early May when they were earthed up for the first time.
Norli, Taiwan Sugar (sown in gutters in November, transplanted March). Norli and Taiwan direct sown end of March as with Ne Plus Ultra. Supports put up end of April.
Nero di Toscana and mixed winter kale seeds sown May 5 along with Brussles sprout Noisette.
Palla Rossa and Grumolo Verde sown May 5.
Leef Beet
Perpetual Spinach, May 5
Salad leaves
Wild rocket (early April sowing failed), Franchi mixed lettuces (early April sowings now about 3inches high). Flat leaf parsely, coriander. More lines planted May 5.
Boltardy and Tonda di Chioggia, May 5
Aquadulce Claudia broad bean (sown November), climbing beans Corona D'Oro, Marvel of Venice and Kew Blue.
Tender & True (Carrot, Long Red Surrey to follow in same bed in June
Apache and Ring O' Fire
San Marzano, Golden Sweet, Mortgage Lifter, Copia & Black Prince but the last three lost their labels so I'll have to wait until the fruits set to know which is which.
St Victor
Swift germinated May 5, transplanting end of the month.
Sturon, Red Baron and Longor (shallot).
A bit of overload here but fun to grow and compare. Cloves obtained from Patrick at Bifurcated Carrots as part of a seed swap - Susan Delafield, Inchelium Red, Kransnodar Red, Korean Red, Silver Rose, Prim, Uzbek Turban, Creole Red, Vekak Czech, Gutemalan Ikeda, Colorado Black, Gypsy Red.