All thirteen varieties of garlic were harvested last week and left to dry in a ventilated greenhouse which was a bit of a risk as they could have 'cooked' if it had been a hot week.
Despite a really bad attack of rust, the bulbs seem unharmed.
Any that look as if they will not store well I'm using first - just like the Uzbek Turban in the picture - the bulb looks as if the cloves are splitting one from another.
It's not the biggest bulb of the lot - that award goes to the Susan Delafield of which more in a later post. But there are a decent ten cloves in all, nicely coloured with a pink tinge to the skin which is slightly more pronounced on the inside of the clove.
It peeled easily and when crushed for a courgette (zucchini) pasta sauce it rendered oodles of garlicky juice. This packed a punch (not quite in the garlic scape league though) and as I type wafts of garlicky goodness are rising up from the keyboard even though I gave my hands a good scrubbing. As for taste, well, it was garlicky. I'm guessing that this is pretty much all you can say about garlic, except when it's old, hot and bitter.
Thanks go to Patrick of Bifucated Carrots at for the seed.